Thursday, December 31, 2009

Summer No. 39

Looking back, I can't believe the fantastic year I've had. Even though I've been somewhat moody and discontent at times, its been such a blessed year.

January - started the year renting out my rental property after having it empty for 6 months, and went for a hike on South Mountain with my boy J. Also got to go to the Cardinals NFC Championship game!

February - Annual girls ski trip to Telluride. I finally got the hang of snowboarding.
If I begged and if I cried, would it change the sky tonight? Would it give me some light?

March - took the kids snowboarding at Sunrise and schooled them both at snowboarding. Gained a new respect in their eyes. Took the kids to see Cavalia, except K was g rounded for the mini-moto incident. What a month.

April - went to Vegas for K's cheer tournament and hit the strip with J. Got hit on by married dude. One of many in 2009.

May - Completed a marathon, my lifelong goal before I turn 40, with my beautiful sisters in tow. What an awesome trip.

June - Did the Camp Pendleton mud run with girlfriends and had a fantastic girls weekend in Newport Beach.

July - Spent a week on Cape Cod with kids. Also checked out Boston and witch trials - great trip!

August - Went to Keith Urban concert and went to a golf tournament in Pinetop, had a great weekend.

September - traveled to Spain and England - saw Dover Castle and played The Grove.

October - Went to Denver with the kiddos for a week to visit my sister and her family!! Had a great week with our cousins. Was there during Balloon Boy Hoax!

November - Completed Catalina triathlon - yay!!! Had a fantastic weekend. Dated first real guy since my bad break-up last year. It didn't last but so what, I'm still a rock star.

December - Closed the year with a fabulous trip to Hawaii with the kiddos. We went surfing, ziplining, luau, sightseeing and good old fashioned beach time. Had a fantastic Christmas Eve dinner at a fine restaurant on the beach in Kauai.

See what I mean? What a great year! I've so enjoyed being 39.

And tonight I'm getting dressed up all fancy and going to a masquerade ball at a fancy hotel with some friends. What a great way to end the year!

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