Tuesday, June 17, 2008

what I like least about my job

is following people back to their offices after they've been fired, and loitering outside their offices attempting to be inconspicuous whilst watching them pack up their personal effects and making sure they don't take any company property, then keeping an eye on them until they walk out the door, get in their cars and drive away. There is real human pain there. Shame and humiliation and anger. I don't mind the termination meeting so much. Well, I hate it but I don't have a problem holding people accountable, which is ultimately what the termination meeting is. But I hate the dirty work afterwards. You do your best to give people dignity in a situation where it is almost impossible to feel dignified. On a rare occasion it works, but more often not. It didn't work today. Mostly they just want to get the hell outta there without drawing any attention, but sometimes they want to take their anger out on you.

Yeah, that was the kind of day I had today. The dignity thing definitely didn't work. As I was peering down the stairs to ensure the person had exited, she entered the stairwell behind me, promting my surprised response "oh, there you are" aka "yes I was spying on you to make sure you didn't take anything or speak to anyone and that you left the building in an orderly and expedient fashion because surely you can't be trusted to behave after being canned like that."


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