Monday, December 8, 2008

Naked Norseman shows his Longship (Viking Trouser Malfunction)

Ok so I don't know why I find this so hilarious, but its all over the internet now. Probably because I just happened to catch the event live on TV. And I love that headline, which I stole from Bob's Blitz (

Mysteriously the youtube video I linked to yesterday was taken down. Part of the vast right wing patriarchal conspiracy I think. So, here's the picture. And check out baldy, whaddya think he's looking at? Meanwhile the guy holding the football is giving a poignant speech dedicating the game ball to the coach's son who is joining the armed forces on Monday. The funniest part is that when said naked guy was interviewed he said something to the effect of "its not so bad, at least there was no shrinkage."

And here's the video.

And here's a particularly funny write up which echoes my own sentiment for your enjoyment.

Fox Television Cameraman Fails in the Worst Way Possible, Show Some Vikings Junk on TV Posted Dec 7th 2008 7:38PM by Will Brinson (author feed)Filed under: Lions, Vikings, NFL Media Watch It's commonly understood that in locker rooms of professional athletic teams, there are, very often, naked men. That's because they change there; it's no surprise. So, when you're a cameraman for FOX and you head into the locker room on a live feed to listen to the owner Zygi Wilf give the Minnesota Vikings an inspirational speech about Brad Childress' son leaving for the military, do yourself a favor: look around, scan the room, and if any players are not wrapped in towels or have their junk hanging out in any manner, don't turn the camera on. This is not what you would call "good news" for the boys at Fox, and you have to imagine that if CBS is going to get attacked for showing some sideboob in the middle of the Super Bowl, there will be repeated mention of the, um, sidejunk. Which I think is an okay thing to say. Hopefully.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Penis Shot on Fox

So by some odd coincidence I walked into my living room this afternoon just as Fox was cutting to a locker room shot with the Minnesota Vikings. And I swear to God I saw a penis. In disbelief, I rewound the shot in slowmo a couple times and yes, lo and behold, there was a penis! And a big one at that. So I spent awhile tonight trying to find some news on it and it hasn't been mentioned by any media that I could find. I don't understand! This is worse than the Janet Jackson boob shot I think, although it was very brief. I swear I saw it the first time it played.

Anyway, I finally found it on youtube and just so's you don't think I'm lyin, I've pasted the link below: (notice how he has to pan down to get the whole thing in the shot)